A Healthy Lifestyle!


For our Summer 2021 issue, Western Precast wants to congratulate Jorge, Production Manager, for turning his life around and living a healthier lifestyle.

Jorge, a husband and father of 4, tells us what led him to this decision of living a more healthier lifestyle just 4 months ago. He tells me that he started having health issues and he went to the doctor. The doctor told him that his issue came about due to his lifestyle and that he needed to lose some weight. Jorge was already experiencing fatigue and was running out of breath easily. His routine was to come home, sit, eat and relax. He says when he first went to the gym and spoke to Chad, the trainer, he was so motivated that he made a decision to leave the old Jorge behind and transform himself into a better, more healthier version of himself.

Jorge’s says he is really greateful for Western Precast and Chad for encourging and holding him accountable for this change. He now goes to the gym everyday right after work and works out with Chad 3 times a week. Even when he doesn’t go to the gym, Jorge says he runs 10 miles a day. He wakes up early and runs at 4:00am for about one hour and a half. He is also on a strict diet which includes drinking lots of water, eating a banana, a peanut butter sandwich and a protein shake. His goal is to lose 60 pounds and he is 9 pounds away from achieving that.

I spoke to his trainer Chad, he told me that when he first met Jorge he never doubted he would accomplish his goal because he seemed commited and willing to put in the work. Also, the first step of changing your lifestyle is seeking help and Jorge was doing that by coming to his gym. He says that he notices Jorge’s attitude is different, he seems happier, stronger and smiles more.

After he accomplishes his weight loss goal, Chad tells me he encourages his clients to set a new goal, that could include running a marathon, participating in an obstacle course event, or anything to keep them having fun while working out. He says the reason people come to his gym is because he always has something new to teach them and that keeps them interested. He continues to tell me that he doesn’t think Jorge will stop working out because the transformation he has seen already is very appealing and motivating to Jorge that he won’t want to go back to his old habits. Hard work pays off and Jorge is proof of that.

Quotes by Jorge Rodriguez:

“What keeps me motivated on staying healthy is seeing how committed and healthy Leo and Richard Alvarado are.”

“If someone is serious on getting fit, I recommend going to Chad’s Gym and speaking to him on how to get started.”

“You are going to get what you put in. If you come and do the work, you will get results.”

Un Estilo de Vida Saludable!

Para nuestra edicion de verano de 2021, Western Precast quiere felicitar a Jorge, Gerente de Produccidn, por cambiar su vida y llevar un estilo de vida mas saludable.

Jorge, esposo y padre de 4, nos cuenta qué Io Ilevd a esta decisidn de llevar un estilo de vida mas saludable hace tan solo 4 meses. Me cuenta que empezd a tener problemas de salud y fue al médico. El médico Ie dijo que su problema se debfa a su estilo de vida y que necesitaba perder algo de peso. Jorge ya estaba sintiendo fatiga y se estaba quedando sin aliento con facilidad. Su rutina era volver a casa, sentarse, comer y relajarse. Dice que cuando fue por primera vez at gimnasio y hablo con Chad, el entrenador, estaba tan motivado que tomo la decision de dejar atrâs at viejo Jorge y transformarse en una version mejor y mas saludable de si mismo.

Jorge nos dice que esta muy agradecido por Western Precast y Chad por alentarlo y responsabilizarlo por este cambio. Ahora va al gimnasio todos los dias después del trabajo y hace ejercicio con Chad 3 veces a la semana. lncluso cuando no va al gimnasio, Jorge dice que corre 10 millas al dfa. Se despierta temprano y corre a las 4:00 am durante aproximadamente una hora y media. También sigue una dieta estricta que incluye beber mucha agua, comer un plâtano, un sandwich de mantequilla de manf y un batido de protefnas. Su objetivo es perder 60 libras y esta a 9 libras de lograrlo.

Hablé con su entrenador Chad, me dijo que cuando conocid a Jorge nunca dudd que lograrfa su objetivo porque parecfa comprometido y dispuesto a esforzarse. Ademâs, el primer paso para cambiar su estilo de vida es buscar ayuda y Jorge lo estaba haciendo at ir a su gimnasio. Dice que nota que la actitud de Jorge es diferente, parece mas feliz, mas fuerte y sonrie mas.

Después de lograr su objetivo de pérdida de peso, Chad me dice que alienta a sus clientes a establecer un nuevo objetivo, que podrfa incluir correr un maratén, participar en una carrera de obstaculos o cualquier cosa para que se diviertan mientras hacen ejercicio. Dice que la razon por la que la gente viene a su gimnasio es porque siempre tiene algo nuevo que enseñarles y eso los mantiene interesados. Continua diciéndome que no cree que Jorge deje de hacer ejercicio porque la transformacidn que ya ha visto es muy atractiva y motivadora para que Jorge no quiera volver a sus viejos hâbitos. El trabajo duro da sus frutos y Jorge es prueba de ello.

Citas por Jorge Rodriguez:

“Lo que me mantiene motivado para mantenerme saludable es ver cuán comprometidos y saludables están Leo Feuerstein Y Richard Alvarado.”

“Si olguien se tomo en serio ponerse en forma, recomiendo ir al gimnasio de Chad y hablar con él sobre cómo empezar.”

“Obtendrá lo qtie invirtes. Si viene y haces el trabajo, obtendrás resultados.“

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