Featured Employee: Rick Avena, Shipping Manager


 For our Summer 2021 issue, Western Precast is happy to present Rick Avena, Shipping Manager, who began his career with Western Precast 4 years ago. Rick moved to El Paso from Fort Worth 4 years ago. He says one day he got lost and he ended up in front of Aria s & Associates staffin8 services. He applied for a job and got his job with Western Precast that same day.

His humble beginning was nothing short of easy since he had nothing when he first moved to El Paso. Rick tells me he had to walk from his apartment to work for the first few months and his family back in Fort Worth were worried he would not make it. He says he loves Western Precast because they treat their employees like family and has been able to move up by working hard and having a positive attitude. After only one year in production, he got his position as shipping manger. He has a total of 5 children, 2 which live in California.

When Rick isn’t at work he enjoys spending time with his family.

Presentando Empleado: Rick Avena, Shipping Manager

Para nuestra edicién de verano de 2021, Western Precast se complace en presentar a Rick Avena, Gerente de Envfo, quien comenzé su carrera con Western Precast hace 4 años. Rick se mudé a El Paso desde Fort Worth hace 4 años. Dice que un dfa se perdié y termini frente a los serviCiDs de persDnal de Aria A Associates. Solicito un trabajo y consiguid su trabajo en Western Precast see mismo dia.

Su humilde comienzo fue nada menos queue fácil ya queue no tenía nada cuando see mudó por primera vez e El Paso. Rick me dice que tuvo que caminar desde su apartamento al trabajo durante los primeros meses y su familia en Forth Worth estaba preocupada de que lo no lograría. Dice que le encanta Western Precast porque tratan a sus empleados como si fueran de la familia y ha podido progresar trabajando duro y teniendo una actitud positive. Después de solo un año en producción, obtuvo su puesto como gerente de envíos. Tiene un total de 5 hijos., 2 que viven en California. Cuando Rick está el trabajo, disfruta pasar tiempo con su familia.

My Home

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