For our Spring/Summer 2022 issue, Western Precast and staff want to send the warmest wishes to Alex Leyva for his new home. Alex has been with the company for 6 years and works as a project manager. What Alex enjoys the best about working is the everyday challenge, getting ahead with projects, his customers and the productions itself. Alex moved into his new home in July 2022 and is taking him a while to furnish and decorate it. When he is not at work, he enjoys hiking, spending time with his girlfriend and traveling. He also says that he likes to try new restaurants and go dancing. The quote he often references is “the smart person learns from his mistakes but a wise man learns from others.”
Mi Hogar
Pata nuestra edición Primavera/Verano 2022, Western Precast y su personal dosean enviar de los mas calidos deseos a Alex Leyva para su nuevo hogar. Alex ha estado en la empresa durante 6 años trabaja como gerente de proyectos. Lo que Alex disfruta mas de trabajar es el desafio diario, salir adelante con los proyectos, sus clientes y las producciones en si. Alex se mudó a su nuevo hogar en Julio de 2022 y le esta tomando un tiempo amueblarlo y decorarlo. Cuandono esta en el trabajo le gusta caminar, pasar tiempo con su novia y viajar. Tambien dice que le gusta probar nuevos restaurantes e ir a bailar. La cita a la que a menudo hace referencia es, “la persona inteligente aprende de sus errores, pero un hombresabio aprende delos demas”.