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Gus starts his day as a welder by reviewing plans and measurements to make sure he has all the required rebar and materials to start his tasks. After everything is organized, he collaborates with the cutter to set the workflow for the day.

For our May 2023 newsletter. Western Precast is proud to recognize Stephen Estrada, Welder, who began his journey with this company three years ago. Stephen started as a rebar cutter and quickly moved to his new position as a welder. Stephen used to work at a metal stamping company for 6 years before coming to Western Precast. He says he was given the opportunity to learn a different skill than what he was used to and really enjoys the culture and wants to continue learning.

For our Winter 2022 issue, Western Precast is proud to recognize Paola Sifuentes, Accounts Payable and Receptionist. Paola joined the Western Precast family two and half years ago. She is in charge of processing invoices and making sure everything in the company gets paid such as the vendors, the utilizes and the staff. Paola also assists her coworker track down the truckers’ delivery times. This insures that all the materials get delivered in a timely manner. Paola has over 6 years of management experience.
For our Winter 2022 issue, Western Precast is proud to recognize Paola Sifuentes, Accounts Payable and Receptionist. Paola joined the Western Precast family two and half years ago. She is in charge of processing invoices and making sure everything in the company gets paid such as the vendors, the utilizes and the staff. Paola also assists her coworker track down the truckers’ delivery times. This insures that all the materials get delivered in a timely manner. Paola has over 6 years of management experience.

For our Fall 2021 issue, Western Precast is proud to recognize Chris Fulk, Crane Operator & Driver. Chris joined the Western Precast family three and a half years ago when he brought several years of previous driving experience to the table. Chris, a man of few words was modest in describing his experiences but did illustrate how he loves to operate his crane at the break of dawn and driving out of town on delivery assignments. Chris describes taking in a change of scenery during his treks to Silver City and Carlsbad …

For our Summer 2021 issue, Western Precast is happy to present Rick Avena, Shipping Manager, who began his career with Western Precast 4 years ago. Rick moved to El Paso from Fort Worth 4 years ago. He sayas one day he got lost and he ended up in front of Aria’s & Associates staffing services. He applied for a job and got his job with Western Precast that same day.

For this Spring 2021 issue, Western Precast is happy to present Lorenzo Quiroz, a native of El Paso who joined our team over three and a half years ago. Although, Lorenzo got his start in our maintenance shop where he mainly cut rebar, he was soon made permanent with our company as a finisher in our production department, and works on brushing and cleaning our cement structures to perfection. Previously, he spent 17 years in construction and worked as a foreman for a company that also produced cement forms.

This  issue features Alex Leyva, Project Manager, who began his journey with Western Precast over four years ago. With an Associate’s degree in Architecture from El Paso Community College, along with some bachelor’s courses from Texas Tech University under his belt, Alex says Western provided him with his first professional experience in the fields of engineering and architecture. Prior to coming on board, Alex worked as a diesel mechanic for several years and actually juggled three jobs while attending college.

This  issue features Alex Leyva, Project Manager, who began his journey with Western Precast over four years ago. With an Associate’s degree in Architecture from El Paso Community College, along with some bachelor’s courses from Texas Tech University under his belt, Alex says Western provided him with his first professional experience in the fields of engineering and architecture. Prior to coming on board, Alex worked as a diesel mechanic for several years and actually juggled three jobs while attending college.

This issue features Western Precast’s Product Manager/Estimator, Ana Karina Flores. A near four-year member of our team, Ana came to us through Arias staffing in June 2016 to fulfill the accounts payable and receptionist duties. Soon after, she added our accounts receivable to her job description, as well tending to the entire front desk operations as needed. Proving to be fully capable of taking on greater responsibility, Ana began working on quoting for bidding projects and would “jump in” when help was needed.

A near four-year employee come August of 2019, Alfredo Dominguez currently works in the reinforcement department at Western Precast, and provides the production departments with wire reinforcement and rebar for pullboxes and cone sections for manholes. With an entire decade of reinforcement experience under his belt, Alfredo has been an asset to the company for the industry expertise that he brings to the table. 

A near three-year employee, Luis R. Castro provides assistance in production at Western Precast. Initially employed as an Arias Staffer, within a few short months Luis was invited to join us full-time and has been a valued employee ever since. With diverse work experience ranging from a pants factory in Fabens, Texas, to grounds work for a recreational park in Pecos, Texas, Luis brings many talents to the table. That coupled with his strong work ethic make him an asset to our company.

With just a few years of industry experience under his belt, Antonio Salas is fairly new to the world of precast concrete, yet his professional growth has come at an accelerated pace. In the last three years he’s worked at Western Precast, his focus has been in steel reinforcement, specifically wire mesh, all while being cross-trained in virtually every area of production. From manholes, custom items and the inlet/vault department, Antonio has learned more about our industry in his relatively short period of time with us that one might expect.

Well, next up we will see everyone participating in the annual Western Precast Halloween con- test, lots of laughs and always some good food. Around the corner will be turkeys for everyone and a few days off to give thanks for all our blessings. Geez, time flies … the cold weather will be upon us and Santa will be nosing around as usual—he is one goofy character!

As I write this note from the office it is 101 degrees outside, and most of us have seen those annual grad- uations come and go. Yes, it is mid-June and Western is winding down our 2017 -2018 fiscal year. I don’t think that over 72 years ago when Robert Feuerstein started Western Concrete he could have imagined approaching the year 2020. Time really does fly when you are having fun!

Well, here we go … 2018 is well underway; I imagine it will be Christmas before we know it. Recently, before breaking for the holidays, management took time to meet with every employee at West- ern for an end of the year review. It was a time to let each staff member know how valued they are to the mission at Western, and here and there were some tips on how we can all improve.

The heart and soul of any great company in my opin- ion is its staff. The human element can never and will never be replaced by a machine. We hear stories about fast food restaurants that have automated windows where you place your order and pick up your food without ever encountering a human being. We all to some degree use automated banking, self-checkout, order products over the web and never have any human in- teraction.

Congratulations to the entire staff at Western Precast for a job well done once again! Western recently went through our unannounced annual inspection for NPCA, ANSI certified plant inspection. The independent en- gineering firm HPS representative, Ruben Peralez, arrived at our facility on July 13, of this year. Ruben spent the day with our staff and was hosted by our quality control director Daniel Quezada.

Welcome back 2017 is here! Hard to believe, if you are a child of the 1960’s, you could never of imagined the year 2000 let alone 2017. I bet this one will fly by even faster than last year and we will be celebrating Christmas again soon.

Welcome back 2017 is here! Hard to believe, if you are a child of the 1960’s, you could never of imagined the year 2000 let alone 2017. I bet this one will fly by even faster than last year and we will be celebrating Christmas again soon.

Daniel Quezada has been the Quality Control Manager for Western Precast Concrete for the last 3 years, bringing his experience in aggregate from asphalt to everything that has to do with soil testing to the table.

Juan Quiroz has enjoyed work- ing with Western Precast for the last 3 years of his 8 years in the field. Immediately graduating from high school Juan entered the industry and eventually was hired on through Arias staffers. Juan worked hard, starting off preparing the forms and now is a finisher and has a goal to become a supervisor with Western.
Oswaldo Montoya has been a hard worker all his life. Before becoming an employee with Western Precast Concrete 3 years ago, Oswaldo had been working at Asarco driving lift trucks. He fractured his hand while doing his job and this led him to apply for a job at Western Pre- cast through a staffing agency.

Western Precast and Jaime Quezada have been together for a combined 14 years. After becom- ing ill, Jaime took one year off to recov- er and then was right back at it. When he first came to El Paso for work, he did auto body and drywall work before discover- ing his future.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Try and try again,”? Well this is exactly what describes Miguel Angel Jaurequi perfectly. Jauregui’s nearly 3 year and 8 months as an employee with Western Precast began back in August of 2011, just after he had applied for employment ten times in the past. This per- sistency finally paid off.

Daniel Torres has been an employee of Western Precast for the past 4 years. He started off as a laborer shovel- ing concrete and now performs numerous jobs that include operating the crane, driving yard trucks and even pouring concrete.

Jesus Rogelio Rivas has been an employee of Western Precast for the past 6 years and currently is a Welder. Rivas says, “Welding is my favorite part of the job!” He does fabrication of forms, welding and even works in production or as a fork lift operator when needed. Rivas, appears to be a quiet and reserved man however, when he talks about his family his eyes light up.

Jesus Rogelio Rivas has been an employee of Western Precast for the past 6 years and currently is a Welder. Rivas says, “Welding is my favorite part of the job!” He does fabrication of forms, welding and even works in production or as a fork lift operator when needed. Rivas, appears to be a quiet and reserved man however, when he talks about his family his eyes light up.

Six years ago, Epolito Gonzalez began working for Western Precast Concrete in the Production Depart- ment. Gonzalez now works as a Concrete Finisher, but before com- ing to Western Precast, he worked in shipping and receiving at Wal- Mart. As a dedicated and loyal em- ployee, he proudly explains that upon moving to El Paso in 1996 from Mexico, he has only worked three jobs.

Manuel Garcia started working at Western Precast in January of 2008 after working for Rio Grande Stucco for seven years, where he resigned from his position due to lack of work. His cousin, Antonio Carrillo, told him about Western Precast. Now, Garcia works in Production and says, “I like the people I work with in my depart- ment, and feel grateful for all the perks and benefits that the owners provide.”

For six years, Ricardo Medina has been working in Production with Western Precast Concrete, where he found his position and was hired through a staffing agency. Medina was born in El Paso but moved to Minneapolis and worked in Infor‐ mation Security for Lockheed Mar‐ tin.
Juan Alvarez has been working as the Maintenance Shop Foreman at West- ern Precast Concrete for the past six years. Alvarez says, “I like everything about working here: the bosses, good personnel, and it’s just a good company to work for.” Alvarez, who has been working on vehicles for 25 years, worked as a mechanic doing maintenance on vehicles before coming to Western Pre- cast. Now, he works as a certified Diesel Mechanic.
Jorge Olmos has been em- ployed as a driver with Western Pre- cast Concrete for 6 years and 7 months. Olmos has 15 years of driving experi- ence as an over the road truck driver in addition to his time at Western Precast. He says his favor- ite thing about working at West- ern Precast is the people , who are all friendly.

Javier Francisco Lerma has been employed at Western Pre- cast for almost six years. He works in the manhole base de- partment. Sergio Arvizu, Direc- tor of Safety and Personnel, calls him “a jack of all trades” saying, “we trust him to take care of all of the bases.” Before coming to Western Precast, Lerma was a Supervisor at a laundry shop.

Antonio Cruz has been with Western Precast Concrete for five years and working hard as a patcher where he makes mi- nor repairs to products. Before coming to Western Precast, Cruz had experience working in construction. He found Western Precast through the staffing agency Encore, in 2007.
Lorenzo Pacheco has been with Western Precast Concrete for five years where he started as a Dis- patcher then was given the opportunity to handle overseeing some small projects. This lead to his cur- rent position in Sales and Estimating. His daily re- sponsibilities include: customer service, reviewing plans and creating proposals, and anything that may be requested like making product deliveries. He says, “you name it and I do it,” with a smile.
William (Billy) Watters has been employed at West- ern Precast Concrete for the last six years as a dis- patcher and as a team member in the sales department. Daily, his responsibilities are to inspect each delivery truck to assure 100% accurate loading of the correct product, communicating with all customers regarding delivery schedules, making sure that sealant is stocked, maintaining supply levels for production by ordering materials like lumber for creating special lids, and sometimes even helping out as a delivery driver.
Benito Carlos is a quiet and reserved man, but according to Sergio Arvizu, Safety and Personnel Director, Benito is a real renaissance man around Western Precast Concrete. In the six years he has been at Western Precast he has learned every area of work. Arvizu says of Benito, “His ability to do al- most every job at Western Precast, is certainly bene- ficial to the company!”
“I work with reinforcement wire; where – ever there is wire needed that’s where I come in,” says Aurelio Arzola who has been working at Western Precast Concrete for the last six years in the production/ labor depart- ment as part of the reinforcement team. Ar- zola works at creating what can be thought of as the skeleton of every concrete structure produced at Western Precast. Arzola says of his attitude towards work, “I’m a hard worker. I’m never late, and wherever I’m needed I’m ready to do what needs to be done.”
David Martinez, Batch Plant Operator, has been employed at Western Precast Concrete for the past five years. In that time, he has moved from production staff to his current position and so far he has tested for and earned the title of Technician Grade I. He says, “I want to earn the highest grade as pos- sible.” He studied for the ACI concrete field test for two months which covers slump and cylinders.
Richard Alvarado is reaching his 6 year anniversary as an employee of Western Precast Concrete. Starting out as a Dispatcher in 2005, Richard now directs the quality control department by overseeing a quality con- trol manager in training and other staff. Richard was also once responsible for the daily requirements that the newly hired training manager now oversees. How does he view the recent change? He says, “The move was painless for me. I believe I am a fast learner.”
Karina Ceniceros, a well qualified individual with ex- perience in AutoCAD and a college graduate with an As- sociate of Arts degree, has been employed with Western Precast Concrete for almost six years. “I was a drafter for about 2 years when I first came on board, and I took it upon myself to learn sales and help out in customer service. My job just evolved!”

Before coming to work at Western Pre- cast Concrete six years ago, Artemio Estrada worked in the field of Agriculture at farms and at a dairy. When the dairy closed, he learned to weld in New Mexico on a farm and then started to repair equip- ment on that same farm. Now, he says he has grown to really like welding at West- ern Precast, and he especially appreciates the job security it has held for him.

Hector Payan has been working for Western Precast Concrete (WPC) for the last five and a half years. He is part of the production staff, and his major responsi- bility is forming special boxes varying in size and style as requested by customers. He produces three to four boxes a day. When asked what his favorite part of the job at Western Precast is, he replies that “the whole job is my favorite part.”

Jose Gomez is one of Western Precast Concrete’s (WPC) delivery truck drivers and has been with the company for almost 11 years. Alfredo Torrez, Shipping Manager for WPC, says, “Gomez is a hard working man, and he makes the job seem easy.” Jorge Rodriguez, Production Manager says, “If you give him a job you can consider it done,”
Paulette Brown has been work- ing for Western Precast Concrete for almost six years now and she says she really enjoys the working environment and the people she works with. Brown feels that be- cause everyone she works with is responsible and completes their duties, it makes her job that much easier. Brown was officially pro- moted from Accountant Team Member to Office Manager by Leo Feuerstein a couple of years ago.
For the past six years and ten months, Jose An- tonio Carrillo has been working hard and moving up the ladder at Western Precast Concrete. Sergio Arvizu, Safety Manager, comments that Carrillo is one of three concrete finishers that is depended upon greatly to be the “backbone” of the business. To be a finisher, Arvizu says, “you either have the skills or your don’t, and Carrillo definitely has it.”
Upon being asked why Mr. Richard Rios came to work for Western Precast Concrete, he replies, “I was looking for a better life.” Before working for Western Precast, Rios was a forklift operator; he asserts he found the stability he was looking for at Western Precast. In addition to stability, he must have found that better life with Western Precast, as he has been working for the company for eight years.
Carlos Delgado is pretty sure that he wouldn’t have accomplished what he has in such a short time at any other company than Western Precast Concrete. Seven years ago, Carlos was laid off from his position in shipping and receiving at Polo Jeans Factory in El Paso. After heading to the un- employment office, he stumbled on an opportunity at Western Precast and only has positive things to say about it.

Jose Mejia, a well seasoned Concrete Fin- isher, is very happy with his position at Western Precast Concrete. He will be celebrating eight years on the job in May of 2008. This dedicated Western Precast em- ployee says that a whole lot has changed in the time period he has been with the company… mainly, the working envi- ronment.

Sergio Arvizu,Safety Manager of Western Precast Concrete, has been with the company for twelve years. He can’t believe it. “It’s been a fun ride.” As Sergio says, the job, like any job, has had its ups and downs but it’s about who your bosses are and your own personal attitude. Ser- gio comments that he knew ex- actly what the job would entail from his very first day.

Thirteen years ago, Ruben Rodriguez, Special Box Foreman, started his job at Western Precast Concrete. Ruben has never regretted his decision. “My life has changed and the job has given me personal security,” Ruben adds; the parts of my job that would seem more difficult are actually easier for me to accomplish today due to the great experience I have gained over the years.”

John makes being a Sales Manager look easy. That can be explained by the amount of years he has dedicated to West‐ ern Precast Concrete. Much of his success on the job can be attributed to his following the advice he gives to others; Do what you do and do it well. From coordinating projects to managing sales and estimating, he enjoys overseeing customer’s jobs by meeting with other de‐ partments and providing com‐ munication with them on a daily basis.

Angel Najera, Manhole Foreman at Western Precast Concrete, recently sat down to talk about how he has become a thirteen year veteran em- ployee of the company. Angel says, “Prior to com- ing to work for Western Precast, I worked in the field of Agriculture in California for about twelve years of my life. I have two brothers who worked with me in doing everything from irrigation and weighing harvests like cotton and alfalfa. When Angel met his wife, they moved to El Paso, and that’s when Angels’ history began as an employee of Western Precast Concrete.

Who would have ever thought that thirteen years ago when his four year old son pointed at Western Precast Concrete and exclaimed, “Dad, you should get a job there!”… that Victor Trujillo, would be a long standing employee today? Victor says, “My children use to come with me to work on the weekend at my previous job, just to spend time with me.
After 12 years with Western Precast Concrete, Inc., Julio doesn’t look like he is going to be slowing down. Julio has ambitiously been going up the ranks since he joined Western Precast, Inc. in August of 1994. From Labor Production to Forklift Operator, Julio has taken advantage of the many opportunities her has been offered to gain experience in other positions.
On April 3, 1990, Alfred or Fred Torrez began a whole new life. “I started working at Western Precast, Inc. just after I left a position with a local furniture outlet and I’ve been here now for 17 years!” Fred worked as a drive for thirteen of those years and was offered a position as a Shipping Manager.

Almost 23 years ago 1984, Jorge was just getting ready to graduate from Riverside High School and was in a vocational program. He has just began to work for Western Precast Concrete (WPC). What was his job? “Well, I did whatever they needed me to do. I would clean the yard and pull weeds along the roadside,” says Jorge.

Western Precast Concrete Works opened in 1946 under the ownership of Robert L. Feuerstein. Mr. Feuerstein operated the company until his death in 1971. His wife Mildred Feuerstein-Kramer, operated the company through the seventies and is currently the director of operation.